Step 1 of 5
Welcome! This tool enables service-based businesses in North America (typically under 250 employees), to obtain an initial estimate of the most relevant CO2 emissions that result from business operations.
For convenience, estimates provided by this tool are based on the self reported data you enter, and emission factor averages published by the United States EPA, Canadian Government, UN ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization) and World Sustainable Hospitality Alliance.
Estimates provided by this tool should not be used for making any formal environmental or climate action claims. Should you decide to pursue a personalized business GHG emissions benchmark, or getting your business Offset Climate Certified®, we will schedule a brief call to explain the process and how we perform a more detailed measurement for you. This is release 2024.01–updated June 2024.
Please provide details about your company owned or leased vehicles and their use for the measurement period (e.g. calendar year 2022).
What was the total fuels purchased or combusted by your company owned / leased vehicles during the measurement period (petrol and / or diesel)?
If you don't have fuel data available, provide an estimate of total distance driven for each vehicle class below (e.g. if you have 5 passenger cars in your fleet, provide a single estimate for total distance driven across all passenger cars).
We do not include specialty equipment as part of this estimation. This can be added as part of a more personalized measurement.
Please provide details for all facilities your company owned or leased and occupied during the measurement period (e.g. calendar year 2022).
Referencing a Profit & Loss statement or other accounting data you have available, please enter how much you spent on the following categories of goods and services during the measurement period (e.g. calendar year 2022).
Please provide details about all business related travel that your company paid for during the measurement period (e.g. calendar year 2022).
For all employees who commute to your place of business, please provide a high level estimate of their commute distance.